Karen Scholl, PT, Owner

Nov25th 2020

“As a therapist for 26 years, I have been exposed to many philosophies of treatment of the spine. I have been continuously amazed at the results we can achieve clinically with our neck and back patients when using the Strategic Orthopedics Spine strategies. It is the knowledge that I can help a patient with neck or back pain gain relief that keeps me motivated to return to work each day. My clinical practice is devoted to working with spinal pain patients and your influence has been tremendous. Your evaluation and follow up strategies have made it easy to be objective and focused when dealing with our patients and has given us the necessary tools to attend to small details which can mean the difference between partial relief and full relief of a patient’s symptoms.
To develop a comprehensive program, as you have, requires an enormous amount of time, energy and attention to detail that most could not even imagine.  Your efforts should be applauded.  Your program has inspired so many therapists and I am amongst your many fans.  Thanks Angelo for inspiring me to become a better therapist and for the dedication you have in continuing to develop additional seminars”.